seo checkup

clean up your seo act 🙂

Use our services to have a full SEO health check. We can help you take giant leaps forward in your SEO Ranking…

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SEO Checkup

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SEO Health Checkup


SEO Health Checkup

At Swarming Bee Web Design SEO Services, we conduct a comprehensive SEO audit to help bolster your website traffic and leads. Our in-house SEO health checkup identifies technical issues that affect your website rankings such as page speed, user experience (UX) and Robot files. We address any link profile issues and customise can customise your website from there. We check your website structure and coding, ensuring your site is accessible, as error-free as possible, and relevant for an easy UX experience. A visually quick and user-friendly website is key to online success, and we can help you achieve that.



Ensuring that your website is functioning efficiently and effectively is an essential part of maintaining a successful online presence. To achieve this, it is imperative to identify any technical issues and other obstacles that may exist, preventing your site from performing optimally in search engines.

By carrying out a comprehensive review of your website’s performance, you can better understand these issues, and take steps to overcome them, thus boosting your online visibility and driving more traffic to your site. Additionally, improving user experience and accessibility is an excellent way to enhance the reputation of your site both for search engines and your users.

This can involve anything from enhancing the site’s design and layout to optimising content for specific keywords. By increasing your website’s qualified organic search traffic and improving conversions, your site will be more responsive to the needs of your customers, driving online sales, and improving your online reputation.


Need some help with your website SEO?

In the present-day competitive digital landscape, creating a robust digital strategy has become imperative. Implementation of industry best practices can assist your company in generating a consistent stream of high-quality leads, boost your revenue while requiring less effort, ultimately saving the advertising budgets.

However, it’s not always easy to know if your digital strategy is on the right track. Have you ever executed an SEO health check or analysed your digital marketing plan? If you haven’t, you’re not alone – most companies have yet to take this step.

But, taking a pause and devising a digital marketing plan that aligns with industry standards can lead to significant progress. With a clear focus and well-executed strategy, you can accomplish your desired objectives and witness your efforts pay off in terms of enhanced revenue and a consistent influx of new leads. So why delay? Take the necessary steps to analyse and optimise your digital strategy today.

SEO Checkup


We are a professional SEO service provider offering comprehensive and effective SEO solutions to improve your website’s ranking and online presence. Our wide range of services includes a complete site speed audit and mobile optimisation, technical configuration, detailed keyword research, content health check, backlink audit, and visitor engagement that will help maximise your website’s performance and user experience.

An SEO audit means we prioritise identifying and resolving technical issues that could adversely affect your website’s success. We offer updates and consolidations of existing content that will drive sales and optimise on-page elements, focus keywords, and internal links to enhance your rank and engagement.

We understand that google prioritises websites that offer the best user experience (UX) and interaction. Our services will help you get quality backlinks, improve website content, and take your website to the next level. Join us today, and let’s help you boost your website’s visibility and gain added online visibility.

Site Speed Audit

The loading time of your website or individual pages is referred to as page speed. It is a crucial factor that impacts your website’s ranking. Our SEO audit firm specialises in scrutinising and resolving any issues that may cause your website to slow down, ensuring that your website is operating optimally.

Technical Configuration

We provide a comprehensive technical SEO service, including free audit tools, manual checks, and continuous monitoring to ensure your website delivers an excellent user experience. We proactively address technical issues, guaranteeing an expert-led approach, so you achieve your online business goals.

Mobile Optimisation

Your website must be mobile-responsive to rank higher in search results due to the Mobile-First Index by Google. People increasingly use mobile devices for browsing, optimising is crucial for a seamless UX and improved visibility. A mobile-responsive website is essential in today’s digital market.

UX Audit

User experience (UX) affects search engine ranking, full stop! Our SEO audits use Google Analytics etc… to evaluate your website’s interface and metrics like bounce rate and time spent on your site. These insights help improve user experience and increase your ranking in SERPs. Get in touch to find out more.

Backlink Audit

Backlinks are essential for website success, boosting visibility and trust. A solid strategy is a must, while ignoring it risks falling behind the competition or search engine penalties. Effective back-linking techniques help keep your website a trusted, valuable resource for your audience, aiding long-term success.


Swarming Bee analyses targeted keywords used by yourself and your competition to improve your rankings and generate sales. We can, if required, update all of your existing content to attract more visitors to you and help achieve your personal or business objectives with optimised content for your target audience.

Swarming Bee Web Design Lincoln



We are pleased to inform you that once the website is fine-tuned, we can begin working on your website in a broader context. We offer SEO Management Service (Onsite SEO) packages that keep your website up-to-date with any changes you request to your website and blogs. Moreover, we also offer Offsite SEO service that includes social media platforms, backlinks, marketing and advertising, with additional costs that may apply. Our highly organised team is dedicated to meeting your needs and ensuring that your business stays alive and thriving. If you are interested in utilising these services for your UK website needs, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We are looking forward to serving you, and helping your business reach new heights.

SWARMiNG BEE WEB DESIGN offers top-notch SEO services to improve your online presence. Our team is skilled in local SEO strategy, branding, and optimised pages. We are dedicated to meeting your business objectives by attracting potential customers and enhancing brand awareness. Contact us today to achieve your desired outcomes.

Your Brand Authority

Backlink Strategy

As a website owner, it’s essential to understand the significance of optimising your website’s Domain Authority (DA). DA is a reliable metric that top search engines like Google utilise to determine a website’s authority. By obtaining quality backlinks from relevant websites within your niche, you establish trust, authority, and credibility for your website. As a result, it improves your website visibility, authority and makes it more trustworthy.

Developing a robust backlink structure is critical to achieving a desirable ranking on search engines. This factor is crucial because Google considers it one of the primary ranking factors. It’s crucial to keep up to date with the latest SEO trends and techniques to ensure that your website always ranks high among search results.

To achieve better rankings, it is essential to produce relevant and exciting blogs and high-quality informative content that caters to your target audience’s needs. Continuously publishing this kind of content enhances your website’s Domain Authority. A technical site audit is also essential. Such an audit helps you to identify and fix the various technical irregularities that may affect website performance and its overall ranking. Some of these issues include slow loading speeds, broken links, validation errors, and poor crawl-ability.

As helpful assistants, we recommend that you optimise your backlink structure and value output by following the best SEO practices available. Doing so will inevitably improve your website’s Domain Authority and place it at the top of search engine results.



An SEO Audit is a crucial part of ensuring that your website is performing at its best and is easily discoverable by search engines. It involves an in-depth analysis of various factors that could impact your website’s search engine rankings. This includes checking for technical errors, analysing on-page and off-page factors such as content quality, metadata, backlinks, and social signals, identifying issues that could be impacting your website’s loading speed and user experience, and performing keyword research to understand the search intent of your target audience.

A thorough SEO Audit can help you identify areas for improvement and provide valuable insights into how to optimise your website for improved search engine visibility and engagement. By understanding what an SEO Audit entails and taking action on its recommendations, businesses can improve their online presence, drive more traffic to their websites, and ultimately, improve their bottom line.

Are you wondering how to enhance your website’s performance and efficiency to improve your business success? Optimising your website’s speed is critical. It can have a direct impact on your search engine rankings, overall user experience, and ultimately your revenue.

One key factor for achieving faster loading speeds involves optimising your images. Using compressed formats and reducing their size can significantly improve website performance. Additionally, caching your website is also an important technique for supercharging your website’s speed. Other optimisation strategies such as minifying your code, reducing HTTP requests, and selecting a reliable hosting provider can also make a positive difference.

Collectively, these techniques can significantly improve website speed, boost customer engagement, and increase conversion rates. As a result, it is important to prioritise website optimisation efforts and ensure your website is functioning at its best to achieve your business goals.

User Experience (UX) is a fundamental component that defines how users engage with websites, mobile applications, and digital products. It encapsulates all facets of user interactions, including their visual and emotional experiences.

UX designers utilise various techniques such as user research, prototyping, and usability testing to design products centred around user needs. The objective of UX designers is to create products that provide a positive experience for the user. It is imperative for businesses to incorporate UX in the creation of digital products and services to boost customer loyalty, lower customer education costs, increase customer satisfaction, and enhance retention rates.

If you’re looking to increase your website’s visibility and authority, a comprehensive backlink strategy is key! This involves a series of steps that help you identify the best backlink opportunities, secure those links, and improve your website’s search engine rankings while increasing organic traffic.

Although creating an effective backlink strategy may require some dedicated time and effort, it’s worth it in the end. All you need to do is conduct extensive research, figure out which types of backlinks will benefit you the most, and set some realistic goals for your link building campaign. With a clear plan in place, you’ll be able to reach out to relevant websites and persuade them to link back to your content.

Don’t worry if you’re new to building backlinks – we’re here to help! With consistent effort and commitment, building a strong backlink profile can take your website to the next level, enhance your credibility, and ultimately drive more traffic and revenue.



We research your competition and where you would like to be strategically placed in the market. From the beginning of the site build the search engine optimisation strategy is implemented. Making careful considerations throughout each stage of the project we ensure that the site is perfectly optimised for organic performance.

Website Re-design Lincoln



We transform slow, clunky, outdated websites into fast, clean, fresh and appealing websites, fully optimised for all devices. Users form an opinion about your company when landing on your website in literally milliseconds, which is why it is so important to keep your website looking beeautiful.

Our creative web design team have learned much about emotional responses to colour, image, white space, and eye-tracking. Every section of the web design is geared to create maximum appeal. The visual appeal creates the first impression of your business – so we make it count.

Our content creation services will use all the strategies that engage visitors, and be SEO optimised from the start. It’s the starting point for, well, pretty much everything! Content is what Google looks for when deciding on your website position (amongst other signals) and so we can create the content for you with this in mind.

Our web hosting is fast, powerful, secure and stable. We can provide hosting solutions that meet every business need. From personal websites to start ups and small businesses, to high-traffic eCommerce websites, we have hosting plans to suit you. We will manage your domain names, email servers, redirects and database servers.

Web Development Lincoln



We add greater functionality to your website design and layout, adapting to the demands of potential clients by changing the way your website functions. Our Design and Development team will build and update your current website foundation, moving with current trends to keep you present in your market place. 

Web Management Services, Web Retainers Lincoln



It would be nice if you could simply build a website, launch it, and let the money roll in. Website maintenance keeps your online presence relevant and up to date. We know the drill, and manage the details so that the performance never falters.