website re-design

re-design and update

Considering a website re-design? Before you begin, ask yourself: Who is your target audience? What is your goal? What changes do you want to make?



Is your website looking a bit outdated? Struggling to attract new visitors and retain existing ones?

A website redesign involves updating the visual appearance, user experience (UX), and functionality of your website to better align with your current business goals and target audience. Don’t let an outdated website hold you back from achieving greater success. Update your website today and see the positive impact it can have on your online presence and business growth.

Furthermore, a website redesign allows you to refresh your brand identity and align it with your current business objectives. Your website is a reflection of your brand, and if it feels disconnected or outdated, it can create a negative perception among visitors. By updating your website design, you can accurately represent your brand and engage your target audience, ultimately boosting your brand image and credibility.










Recognising the Need for a Website Re-design

First Interactions

Your website is your business’s digital storefront, and it’s where potential customers form their first impression of your brand. An impeccably designed website is key to enticing and retaining customers.

By investing in a visually stunning website, you’re not only making a great first impression, but also demonstrating to your customers that you prioritise the user experience above all else.

Web Rankings

It’s time for a website redesign if your current website isn’t performing well in search engine rankings. Search engine optimisation (SEO) plays a crucial role in attracting organic traffic to your website, and if your website lacks the necessary SEO features, it’s time for a change.

A website redesign can overhaul your website structure and content to make it more search engine friendly, improving visibility and driving more targeted traffic.

Business Goals

Another sign that a website redesign is necessary is if your current website fails to meet your business goals or attract and retain visitors. 

Your website should be a reflection of your brand identity and should align with your current business objectives. If your website feels disconnected or outdated, it’s time to refresh it with a new design that accurately represents your brand and engages your target audience.

User Experience (UX)

A website redesign can also improve user experience by making your website more user-friendly and intuitive. If visitors struggle to navigate your website or find the information they need, they are likely to leave and never return.

By redesigning your website, you can create a seamless and enjoyable user experience that keeps visitors on your site for longer and increases the likelihood of conversions.



Recognising the Need for a Website Re-design

First Interactions

Your website is your business’s digital storefront, and it’s where potential customers form their first impression of your brand. An impeccably designed website is key to enticing and retaining customers.

By investing in a visually stunning website, you’re not only making a great first impression, but also demonstrating to your customers that you prioritise the user experience above all else.

Web Rankings

It’s time for a website redesign if your current website isn’t performing well in search engine rankings. Search engine optimisation (SEO) plays a crucial role in attracting organic traffic to your website, and if your website lacks the necessary SEO features, it’s time for a change.

A website redesign can overhaul your website structure and content to make it more search engine friendly, improving visibility and driving more targeted traffic.

Business Goals

Another sign that a website redesign is necessary is if your current website fails to meet your business goals or attract and retain visitors. 

Your website should be a reflection of your brand identity and should align with your current business objectives. If your website feels disconnected or outdated, it’s time to refresh it with a new design that accurately represents your brand and engages your target audience.

User Experience

A website redesign can also improve user experience by making your website more user-friendly and intuitive. If visitors struggle to navigate your website or find the information they need, they are likely to leave and never return.

By redesigning your website, you can create a seamless and enjoyable user experience that keeps visitors on your site for longer and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Swarming Bee Web Design Logo, Web Designer


Feel you could do better with your Design and Layout?

A website update improves the overall user experience (UX). By redesigning your website to be more user-friendly and intuitive, you can create a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience for your visitors.

Website redesign


A website re-design can future-proof your online presence. It’s important to have a website that can adapt and evolve with new technologies and trends.

Website re-designs are built using the latest technologies ensuring it’s accessible and dynamic across various devices and platforms.

This future-proofing can give your business a competitive edge and position you for long-term growth.



A website redesign enhances your search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts.

By overhauling your website structure and content, you can make it more search engine friendly, which can improve your visibility in search engine rankings.

This can drive more organic traffic to your site and increase your chances of being found by potential customers.

Swarming Bee Web Design Logo, Web Designer

WEB-live and Buzzing!


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Please use the contact form and leave us your details. We will respond as soon as possible. Or feel free to give us a call using our contact page.

Please state that you would like our Re-Design Services for your website and leave us your current website details.

If you can give some kind of detail about the type and size of your requirements we will be better informed when we respond.

GT Metrix Logo, SEO and Page performance



Exploring the Importance of a Future-Proofed Website

In today’s ever-changing digital landscape, it’s crucial to have a website that can adapt and evolve with new technologies and trends. That’s where the importance of a future-proofed website comes in. By investing in a website re-design, you can ensure that your online presence remains functional, accessible, and up-to-date.

One key aspect of a future-proofed website is its ability to seamlessly integrate new website content. As your business grows and evolves, your website needs to be able to accommodate new products, services, and information. A future-proofed website allows you to easily update and add new content, keeping your website fresh and relevant to your target audience.

Another advantage of a website re-design is its compatibility across various devices and platforms. With the rise of mobile browsing and different screen sizes, it’s essential that your website is responsive and user-friendly on all devices. By designing a website that is responsive and adaptable, you can reach a wider audience and provide a positive user experience, regardless of how visitors access your site.

Furthermore, a future-proofed website is built using the latest coding standards and frameworks. This ensures that your website remains compatible with new browsers, operating systems, and technology updates. By staying up-to-date with the latest web development practices, you can avoid compatibility issues and technical difficulties that may arise in the future.

In conclusion, a future-proofed website is essential for staying competitive in the digital age. By investing in a website redesign that integrates new content, ensures compatibility across devices, and stays up-to-date with coding standards, you can position your business for long-term growth and success. Don’t let your website become outdated and hinder your business’s potential. Embrace the importance of a future-proofed website and reap the benefits of a strong online presence.

Swarming Bee Web Design Lincoln



Once the website is tuned up we can begin working in a broader context on your website. Our SEO (Onsite SEO) Management Service packages will keep your website updated with any changes you request to your website and blogs. Offsite SEO (additional costs may apply) would include social media platforms, backlinks, marketing and advertising. 

Our well organised team are here to meet your needs, and keep your business alive and buzzing. If you’re interested in utilising these services please get in touch for your UK website needs.

Search algorithms (Google especially) are ever-evolving. So is SWARMiNG BEE WEB DESIGN. Our On and OFF Site SEO team will help you set your Local SEO Strategy, local branding and responsive optimised pages and blog posts.

Domain Authority

Achieving Higher Rankings

Domain Authority (DA) is a crucial aspect to optimize. It is considered a trusted metric by search engines like Google. Backlinks play a vital role in establishing trust and authority for your website. Securing high-value backlinks from relevant websites in your niche will enhance your website’s authority and improve your rankings in the SERPs, while also increasing trustworthiness. Establishing a solid backlink structure is essential as Google considers it one of the key ranking factors. As Google’s algorithms are constantly updating, staying updated with SEO practices is important to keep up.

To achieve better rankings, it is essential to create engaging blogs and high-quality, informative content that is relevant to your target audience. This approach helps in building your Domain Authority.

Performing a technical site audit on your website can identify any irregularities that may be affecting its performance and, to some extent, its ranking. It is important to address and improve issues such as slow loading times, broken links, validation errors, and poor crawlability.

We will make recommendations to improve your backlink structure and value output.



SEO Lincoln – What Does SEO Entail?

Because our SEO Lincoln services are customised, no two strategies will be the same, but they will cover a variety of SEO tactics such as:

  • Accessibility and Security of Websites
  • Page Loading Time
  • Mobile Compatibility
  • Onsite SEO
  • Optimised Content
  • Internal Hyperlinks
  • Outgoing Hyperlinks
  • Off Site SEO

SEO First Steps

When it comes to having a completely optimised site, there is no quick fix, and having a custom-created SEO strategy is a terrific approach to ensure that your optimisation does not drop behind your competition.

The first step we take is to determine a shortlist of the most effective keywords to rank the website for and carry out a thorough technical onsite review:

  • Creation of an initial keyword list based upon client preference & internal target audience brainstorm;
  • Expansion to create a larger list using relevant competitor research & advanced keyword tools;
  • Refinement of keywords based upon metrics including searches per month, relevance, and difficulty to rank/competition in search results;
  • Grouping of keywords into similar terms and creation of a final shortlist.

Contact one of our team members today to start with our SEO services.

Existing Website SEO

Swarming Bee Web Design will audit your onsite SEO, offsite SEO, loading speed etc, and assess improvements. The team will then put an improvement package together that can help to increase your online presence and find-ability.

We will also look into development issues that also could be holding your website back from top performance.

We are first and foremost a web design outfit, but within this we are an SEO Company in Lincoln providing support for all your requirements.

One key point to remember is that up to 85% of all searches online are carried out using mobile technologies. Our services will look into how your website performs across all devices and put forward our solutions to you. You can call it a website MOT.

Genuine Cost of SEO

The genuine cost for SEO is unknown. However, depending on the requirements it is useful to work with us on a retainer basis. This way we can keep your website high up on Google Rankings and offer additional resources that can help maintain your position.

Retainers could be as little as £50 per month all the way up to £Thousands if you wanted to add in marketing and advertising.

Therefore, the easiest method to acquire an estimate is to chat with a member of our team, who will be able to provide you with a free quote.

Please contact us for any other information.



Our creative web design team have learned much about emotional responses to colour, image, white space, and eye-tracking. Every section of the web design is geared to create maximum appeal. The visual appeal creates the first impression of your business – so we make it count.

We research your competition and where you would like to be strategically placed in the market. From the beginning of the site build the search engine optimisation strategy is implemented. Making careful considerations throughout each stage of the project we ensure that the site is perfectly optimised for organic performance.

Our content creation services will use all the strategies that engage visitors, and be SEO optimised from the start. It’s the starting point for, well, pretty much everything! Content is what Google looks for when deciding on your website position (amongst other signals) and so we can create the content for you with this in mind.

Our web hosting is fast, powerful, secure and stable. We can provide hosting solutions that meet every business need. From personal websites to start ups and small businesses, to high-traffic eCommerce websites, we have hosting plans to suit you. We will manage your domain names, email servers, redirects and database servers.

Web Development Lincoln



We add greater functionality to your website design and layout, adapting to the demands of potential clients by changing the way your website functions. Our Design and Development team will build and update your current website foundation, moving with current trends to keep you present in your market place. 

Web Management Services, Web Retainers Lincoln



It would be nice if you could simply build a website, launch it, and let the money roll in. Website maintenance keeps your online presence relevant and up to date. We know the drill, and manage the details so that the performance never falters.