Definition of a Cookie

A cookie is a small file containing information, these files are stored onto your computer or mobile device through your web browser

Types of Cookies – cookies come under two main categories, “essential” and “non essential”

“Non Essential Cookies” include those used for analytical purposes, assist with advertising and also website customisation for example a welcome or greeting message.

“Essential Cookies” are required for a website to work correctly and effectively and include those used for technical and security processes, for example to be able to log into a website for technical/administration purposes and also those which enable online checkout and payments to work correctly.

Cookies are also described as 1st party and 3rd party Cookies

1st Party Cookies are those set by the website itself, for example “session cookies” to be able to log into the website itself.

3rd Party Cookies are those set by 3rd parties, for example, Twitter, FaceBook and Google Analytics

Browser Cookies

Session Cookies within the browser are only active while you are actively browsing the website, once you close the browser these cookies are deleted. They operate using a “session ID” and so the “session ID” itself, isn’t using personally recognisable or identifiable information.

Persistent Cookies do remain once the browser has been closed and remain stored on your computer for a period of time. These also operate by what is known as a “session or unique ID” where this unique ID itself isn’t using any personally identifiable information. These cookies keep a record of a users browsing information, behaviour, preferences and how you navigate through the website, so this can then be used for future visits.

Persistent Cookies help to enhance the online experience when you have repeated visits to the same website.

Websites will highlight their use of Cookies, often via a “pop-up” message.

Do we use Cookies

Yes we use cookies

What type of Cookies do we use

1st Party Essential Cookies – “session cookies” to be able to log into the website via WordPress.

3rd Party Non Essential Cookies – Google Analytics, Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram and SoundCloud.

How and why do we use Cookies

We use “Essential Cookies” as they are required for the website to fully function and so create the best and optimum usability and also “Non Essential Cookies”  to collate data about and related to site traffic and website interactions which then enables us to better enhance your online experiences.

You are able to have your computer inform you of each time a cookie is being sent, you will be notified of this via the pop up banner that appears in your web browser. Having cookies enabled supports the user gaining full benefit and features of the website.

If you wish to switch off the use of cookies, you can do this via the settings in your browser. By preventing the use of Cookies you wont be able to experience the full functionality of a website and this will then impact your online experience.

We may update this Cookie Policy and so recommend you read this policy regularly to get the latest updates

If you have any questions please contact

Definition of a Cookie

A cookie is a small file containing information, these files are stored onto your computer or mobile device through your web browser

Types of Cookies – cookies come under two main categories, “essential” and “non essential”

“Non Essential Cookies” include those used for analytical purposes, assist with advertising and also website customisation for example a welcome or greeting message.

“Essential Cookies” are required for a website to work correctly and effectively and include those used for technical and security processes, for example to be able to log into a website for technical/administration purposes and also those which enable online checkout and payments to work correctly.

Cookies are also described as 1st party and 3rd party Cookies

1st Party Cookies are those set by the website itself, for example “session cookies” to be able to log into the website itself.

3rd Party Cookies are those set by 3rd parties, for example, Twitter, FaceBook and Google Analytics

Browser Cookies

Session Cookies within the browser are only active while you are actively browsing the website, once you close the browser these cookies are deleted. They operate using a “session ID” and so the “session ID” itself, isn’t using personally recognisable or identifiable information.

Persistent Cookies do remain once the browser has been closed and remain stored on your computer for a period of time. These also operate by what is known as a “session or unique ID” where this unique ID itself isn’t using any personally identifiable information. These cookies keep a record of a users browsing information, behaviour, preferences and how you navigate through the website, so this can then be used for future visits.

Persistent Cookies help to enhance the online experience when you have repeated visits to the same website.

Websites will highlight their use of Cookies, often via a “pop-up” message.

Do we use Cookies

Yes we use cookies

What type of Cookies do we use

1st Party Essential Cookies – “session cookies” to be able to log into the website via WordPress.

3rd Party Non Essential Cookies – Google Analytics, Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram and SoundCloud.

How and why do we use Cookies

We use “Essential Cookies” as they are required for the website to fully function and so create the best and optimum usability and also “Non Essential Cookies”  to collate data about and related to site traffic and website interactions which then enables us to better enhance your online experiences.

You are able to have your computer inform you of each time a cookie is being sent, you will be notified of this via the pop up banner that appears in your web browser. Having cookies enabled supports the user gaining full benefit and features of the website.

If you wish to switch off the use of cookies, you can do this via the settings in your browser. By preventing the use of Cookies you wont be able to experience the full functionality of a website and this will then impact your online experience.

We may update this Cookie Policy and so recommend you read this policy regularly to get the latest updates

If you have any questions please contact info@swarmingbee.co.uk