How to Improve Your ON-SITE SEO

Here’s how we would approach each section of an SEO brief for creating good SEO ready content based on the given raw results:

Utilising the existing SERP to determine the type of content to create:

To stand out, we suggest creating a comprehensive website article that covers various aspects of creating SEO-friendly content.

Analyze the funnel stage:

The target audience for this article is likely to be in the consideration stage of the funnel. They are actively seeking information and guidance on how to create content that is optimised for SEO. They are aware of the importance of SEO and are looking for specific strategies and techniques.

Estimate target word count:

Based on the top-ranking articles, we suggest a minimum word count of 2000 words. This will allow for a detailed guide that covers various aspects, strategies, and tips for creating SEO-ready content. It will provide in-depth information to fulfill the user’s search intent.

Create multiple working titles (150-160 characters):

“Creating SEO-Optimised Content: Tips and Strategies for Higher Rankings”
“The Ultimate Guide to Crafting SEO-Friendly Content: Boost Your Organic Traffic”
“Mastering the Art of SEO Content Creation: Best Practices and Proven Strategies”
Create a website slug (a ‘slug’ is the URL – must include keyword):

Create a meta description:

Discover the secrets to creating SEO-ready content that ranks higher in search engine results. Learn proven strategies and best practices for crafting compelling and optimised content to attract organic traffic and boost your website’s visibility.

Create an outline:

I. Introduction

Importance of SEO-ready content
How SEO impacts website visibility and organic traffic

II. Understanding Search Intent and Keyword Research

Defining target audience and personas
Conducting keyword research using tools like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner

III. On-Page Optimisation Techniques

Writing engaging and relevant titles and meta descriptions
Creating well-structured headings and subheadings
Optimising content with target keywords and variations
Utilising internal and external linking

IV. Crafting High-Quality and Engaging Content

Creating unique and valuable content
Incorporating multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics
Writing compelling introductions and conclusions
Formatting content for readability

V. Technical Optimisation for SEO

Improving website loading speed and mobile responsiveness
Optimising URLs, permalinks, and site navigation
Implementing schema markup for enhanced search engine visibility

VI. Monitoring and Measuring SEO Success

Tracking keyword rankings and organic traffic
Analysing user behaviour and engagement with tools like Google Analytics
Making data-driven adjustments to optimise content further

VII. Conclusion

Recap of the importance of creating SEO-ready content
Final tips and best practices for ongoing optimisation
Please note that the outline provided is a suggested structure and can be customised based on the specific goals and requirements of the content piece.

The above example illustrates the importance of keywords and keyword phrases. It also give you an idea into the level of research and knowledge needed to create a website ‘NEW’ page, to update existing content into SEO ready material and write blogs and posts.

Please have a read of our SEO page for further information.

You might also like to take a look at Common Web Design Mistakes. Or look at our Web Site and Design Services.

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